The effects of care-giving on women's paid employment and living standards, as described below, lend further weight to this argument.
That is, they do not add further weight to their justifying considerations.
This could be used to further weight the level of detail in the scene eliminating detail to maintain a target frame rate.
The final action against the Bismarck added further weight to his decision.
She would have to bend over backwards not to add further weight to his humiliation.
It gave me such a-grimy feeling, is the only way I can describe it, to lower my vibration and take on further thickness, further weight.
Also anything that continues to add further weight to the business in personal care and away from food is also a major positive.
The proportions of the leg bones add further weight to the idea of Avimimus was quick on its feet.
Ryberg's 1949 article gave further weight to that conclusion.
Now the doubts have further weight.