Mr. Kulewicz said he did not foresee further widening of the expressway despite continued building and resulting additional traffic.
Indian authorities were working to prevent further widening of the breach and channels would be dug to direct the water back to the main river bed.
In April 2006, local residents living at Aston Hill, part of the proposed route, began a campaign to oppose any further widening of the A494.
Soon thereafter a new organization, Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation, was formed to oppose further widening of I-66.
Mr. Greenspan said that the nation could not afford any further widening in its trade deficit.
In a redistribution of seats for the 1885 general election, the borough constituency was abolished and absorbed into the county, with a further widening of the franchise.
The tight turn at Death Alley was also widened, although it remains a daunting obstacle that may someday require further widening.
More recently, advances in new technologies have led to a further widening of the role of curator.
Once the slack is taken out of backbone chain, covalent bonds holding the chain together hinder further widening of the gap.
However, further widening of US 113 did not occur until after World War II.