Midnight and Cyric continued their conversations about far-away lands, exchanging knowledge of customs, rituals, and languages.
They did not take place in the world we live in, but in a far-away magical land of perfection.
Clemens decided he would give it a new meaning and new association in this far-away land.
Her ticket to a far-away land.
A new area of focus, this focus on "lost race" stories, of groups of people found in far-away lands that where thought non-existent.
My ancestors banished you to far-away lands, and now I banish you to death.
Plus, his cover story - that he was sent by the gods from a far-away land - plays into local legends.
I want to go and make daisy chains and eat rhubarb pie like we did in that magic, far-away land of childhood.
He thought to himself how wonderful it would be to live on a far-away land in a magical castle.
His travel columns and books were published in Russia and swiftly gained enormous popularity, breathing the balmy air of far-away lands.