For the past 10 years or so, my 92-year-old mother has happily used an Amstrad Emailer to keep in touch with her far-flung family.
What was once a novelty has evolved into a relatively inexpensive way to keep in touch with far-flung family and friends.
He tried it the first time one Passover, when the far-flung family was assembled, to save them air fare for the funeral.
They provided a quiet place and helped her with the telephone, her only link with her far-flung family.
Five members of his far-flung family were dead.
It was easy to keep the plan from the bridegroom's far-flung family.
-Tip: Don't make plans to visit far-flung family, or have riotous parties for him when he's very small.
His was a far-flung family, and he is not its first member to live in Australia.
He was obviously a member of Abdullah's far-flung family.
It is the glue that keeps far-flung families together.