This became necessary to garrison the Republic's now far-flung territories.
Khun Chuang, a single family ruled over a far-flung territory and reinstituted the Siamese administrative system of the 7th century.
In many cases their vast, far-flung territories can be measured only in conceptual terms, just as thousands of infinitesimal, invisible lines exist only on maps and in international law.
With such far-flung territories, dissolution was inevitable, and began immediately.
In the aftermath, we struggled to govern our far-flung territories- but without the Kollotuul to amplify our voice, the most distant worlds fell beyond our influence.
Here in Guam, a far-flung territory of the United States, officials say that efforts to increase Chinese tourism could help cut China's huge trade surplus with this country, $124 billion last year.
Over the next 60 years, Albertsons grew from a single store in Idaho to a chain of nearly 1,000 stores in a far-flung territory covering 23 states from coast to coast.
"Now about this sheriff business. . . ." In the sprawling, far-flung territories of a certain European Power columns of vapor suddenly screamed skyward at breathtaking accelerations.
They may be more numerous, their territory far-flung and incorporating many different beings, but their foundation was weak.
So did his name and his fame spread across the far-flung Skaldic territories, and he came to be spoken of in terms of awe.