Got me a job in the far-off city.
How plainly it all came back to the ape-man now as he heard the familiar beating of the drums in this far-off city!
I said nothing, but in my mind I thought of only one thing: the far-off city of Dresden.
When he heard that the people of his city were sick in a far-off city, he used to visit them.
The boy strained his eyes also; yet neither could he see the far-off city.
According to this report, "after initiation as devadasis, women migrate either to nearby towns or other far-off cities to practice prostitution" (p200).
I grew up on tales of this far-off city that formed a big part of my childhood and yet I'd never seen it.
Upon his urging, Swayamsevaks went to far-off cities like Kashi, Lucknow etc., for their further education and started the Shakhas there too.
It was small, lit only by points of glowing green light, winking like jewels from some far-off city.
But what it was, very near the far-off city, was very familiar.