The 1987 founding of the Tjapukai Dance Theatre in Kuranda had far-reaching benefits for the commercial tourism potential of Cairns, and the cultural pride of the local indigenous population.
"The potential far-reaching benefits that this new grain can have for the American public is being overlooked and in the process potentially destroyed," he said last week.
Africa needs the investment, but to the majority of its population, investment demanding responsible governance might yield more far-reaching benefits.
The outcome of the contest can yield far-reaching benefits for producers whose wines finish first in various categories.
This educational nucleus proved crucial to the success of the fledgling Tibetan refugee settlements and had far-reaching benefits for all the Tibetan schools that were subsequently established.
His will bequeathed $2.5 million to UT; his desire was that it be used alongside money donated by his sister for "far-reaching benefit to the people of Texas".
"This agreement with Vassar will have far-reaching environmental benefits," said Jane M. Kenny, the Environmental Protection Agency's regional administrator.
It maintains that practising and celebrating such activities more - at the expense of passive, consumer culture - would have far-reaching benefits for people and communities.
Establishing these zones would have far-reaching benefits.
Gerontologists say the centers are growing because they are less expensive than nursing homes and have far-reaching benefits for elderly people and their families.