By the peak of his career he had transformed into a far-right politician, considered by left-leaning liberals to be even a conservative.
Considerable evidence has emerged to suggest that the network was closely tied to far-right politicians, police commanders and intelligence officers.
Much is made of the fact that Italy has had far-right politicians in its government with no action taken against it.
Eric Weber (born 1963) is a populist publisher and far-right politician of Basel, Switzerland.
One far-right politician said he would vote against the Jordan treaty when it comes before the Parliament.
He said the group should pay more attention to "neo-Nazism" and "the rise of far-right politicians" in Western countries.
Often seen as a far-right politician, in 1980 he was a presidential candidate, but got a very small amount of votes.
Although a series of far-right politicians have won wide national television exposure by traveling to Jordan, there has been little visible popular support.
Much worse, the Israeli cabinet now includes a far-right politician who advocates 'transferring' the Palestinians from the occupied territories.