The story is set in contemporary France, with a glamorous actress at the centre of a farcical plot of imposture, intrigue and mistaken identity.
Also PG Wodehouse was a frequent visitor to aristocratic houses and, despite the farcical plots, his picture of country house living is pretty accurate.
We still get an ingenious farcical plot in which Francis, a failed skiffle player, finds himself shuttling between two masters.
The screenplay neatly folds elements of "Twelfth Night" and other Shakespeare comedies into its farcical plot.
It is also possible that some of these tragedians clung to the tradition in a way that caused them to distort many of the elements, which result in farcical plots.
In "Forum," the songs purposely interrupt the farcical plot, giving the audience a needed break from the madcap hysterics.
The farcical plot focuses on Eddie Kettle, a very short young man newly married to Georgina, who is extremely tall.
Set in 1933 Dresden, the farcical plot satirizes the Prohibition era.
The farcical plot concerns a house-guest who mistakes his hostess's husband for an intruder.
In playing out the farcical plot, Ms. Midler becomes the commentator on her own life and then comments on the comments.