The fares on Alitalia begin at about $1,000.
Round-trip fares for April begin at $768, taxes included.
As competition shrinks, there is growing concern among economists and Government officials that the lower fares brought on by deregulation 10 years ago will begin to climb.
The trip from New York to Williamsburg is eight and a half hours; round-trip fares begin at $144.
The New York-to-Williamsburg trip is 7 1/2 hours; round-trip fares begin at $138.
The last-minute one-way fare begins at $962.
She becomes a regular fare and the pair begin a friendship.
Discounted fares begin at $598 a person for seven days and $1,218 a person for 10 days, based on two people sharing a cabin.
One-way fares begin at $51; half-price for ages 15 and younger.
Prices have not been set, but on a similar cruise this November, fares begin at $5,250 a person, based on two to a cabin.