While both teams were affected by the Great Depression, the Americans fared much worse financially.
Asked how he fared financially during that time, Serling offered a one-word answer for each year in question.
How would you fare financially if you became disabled?
How did they fare financially?
The film was given a greater emphasis on humor over violence and fared worse than previous installments both financially and critically.
And sometimes the young parents worry about how their aging parents will fare financially in their final days.
The Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway (also AB&A) assumed operations at the beginning of 1916, but it fared little better financially.
Yet while both franchises were initially successful, later sequels in both series fared poorly both artistically and financially, stunting the growth of superhero films for a time.
The consensus view is that some hospitals will be spared, no matter how poorly they fare financially.
No one knows how America's single mothers and their children are going to fare financially in the next decade.