"Here we are one-third the way through the first quarter, so it makes sense that they have appetite for a fare hike."
A few months ago, transit officials were predicting a 10-cent fare hike on July 1, and another increase at the end of 1996.
"We weren't supposed to have a fare hike until the end of 1991 - and that doesn't mean there should be one even then."
South Central railway announced fare hike again within 1 month time.
We haven't had a fare hike in two years and it barely covers inflation.
"A fare hike is a tax on the poor, and we are not accepting it."
But he said it amounted to a fare hike that was too high.
A fare hike should probably be the last resort.
The fare hike is a bad idea from every vantage.
This is going to change with the fare hike.