It has 19 flights a week between those cities, with the round-trip fares, including taxes, running from $233 to $390, at 1.05 euros to the dollar.
The fare runs $30 to $40 a person, depending on the size of a group.
The rustic French fare runs about $45 a person with wine but without tax or tip.
Average fares per mile this year are running 30 percent below 1976 in real terms, saving travelers $10 to $15 billion a year.
Both companies have said the $5 fare will run only through Aug. 16.
It's a 25-minute taxi ride to downtown Vancouver, and the fare usually runs $17 to $25.
Mr. Agee said the fare for the proposed train would run 70 percent of the air fare.
The fare often runs to about $40 a person.
Several car services will take visitors to either destination; fares run about $35 for up to four people.
Their fares run about $8, far beyond the reach of most Nigerians.