One day he called to make us a farewell visit as he intended to set out on the following day for Paris.
We spent a day or two in farewell visits, and then left for Baden-Baden.
Later that year, he paid a farewell visit to New Zealand.
The last month almost spent on a series of farewell visits to the branches and his many business friends in Melbourne and Sydney.
When all was ready, we paid a farewell visit to the different familiar spots where most of our time had been spent.
Most or perhaps all of the others had gone to the island: to make a farewell visit, he supposed.
Well, I am going to pay him a farewell visit.
The big house was made ready to shut up for a year at least, comforts for the long voyage laid in, and farewell visits paid.
I seemed to have picked an inappropriate time for my farewell visit.
It was, in a manner, a farewell visit to the charming environs of Iquitos.