We got a picture of a gorge, with farm surpluses on one cliff and under-nourished city folks with outstretched hands on the other.
The report is aimed at cutting farm surpluses, reducing pollution, and protecting the countryside, while still allowing farmers to stay in business.
This would reduce carbon emissions and would also provide alternative uses for farm surpluses.
Increased exports and the effects of the drought of 1988 combined in 1989 to reduce farm surpluses and government subsidies but increased farm income.
Nearby inhabitants traded their farm surpluses and firewood for imported goods from France at the two city markets.
The bloc's executive commission is seeking to hold down prices to reduce the community's large farm surpluses.
The program, which provides American farm surpluses for school feeding programs in developing countries, was made permanent by the Bush administration in 2002.
The program was established as a way to prop up food prices by absorbing farm surpluses, while at the same time providing food to school age children.
The farm surpluses associated with improved cotton farming methods concerned Davis - so, for that matter, did the region's excessive reliance on the crop.
There was trouble with the banks, trouble with the farm surpluses that were keeping prices down.