"Clinton aides" were quoted as admitting that the U.S. lamb tariffs were a "sop" to a few farm-state senators.
These revelations caused no end of constructive embarrassment among farm-state senators.
Under an amendment offered by farm-state senators, agricultural banks with assets of less than $100 million would be allowed to amortize bad loans over a period of up to 10 years.
This has greatly embarrassed farm-state senators, who are suddenly showing concern for the little guy.
The formula flows from the political weight of farm-state senators, not from a rational calculation of health needs.
In Washington, ethanol, which is made from corn, has strong backing from farm-state senators, including Bob Dole of Kansas, the minority leader.
Not surprisingly, farm-state senators in tight races led the debate in favor of aid.
And its provisions on renewable biofuels give promise of developing gasoline substitutes that go beyond the heavily subsidized corn-based ethanol so favored by farm-state senators.
After the Senate approved the aid last month under bipartisan pressure from farm-state senators, it was resisted by some House Republicans and White House officials.
Gov. Bill Graves of Kansas, a Republican, supported the merger with some conditions, as did most Republican farm-state senators.