A group of farmers known as the Oregon Fruitgrowers Association organized the first unofficial state fair in 1858.
Most of the inhabitants are farmers, known for their oxen and lemons which are grown for export.
The Granger Laws were promoted primarily by a group of farmers known as the Grange.
In the olden times, they were farmers known for the knowledge on measurement of land and calculation.
Wealthy farmers, known as "patroons", maintained these country estates largely on the heights overlooking the Hudson River.
Earlier in 1787, Lincoln helped put an end to an uprising of farmers known as Shays' Rebellion.
Gustavus Hall was a prosperous farmer and miller, known to be one of liberal convictions.
She describes them as "good farmers and fair traders", best known for their tava beans.
The North Salem Circus was owned by local farmers known as the Flatfoots.
To the slave cultivators of ancient times gradually succeeded a species of farmers known at present in France by the name of metayers.