That will be the most fascinating subplot going forward-a new method for evaluating players that doesn't have as much to do with statistics.
One of the most fascinating subplots of the immediate postrace celebration was the fact that Grubb has done what no other crew chief has managed in the last half-decade, and yet he's still apparently going to be looking for work.
And there is that fascinating subplot: will the center draw audiences away from the National Symphony?
As the debate begins, the conflict between Mr. Talbott and Mr. Mandelbaum promises to provide a fascinating subplot, as well as a guide to the critical questions about expansion.
The rise and fall of various studios is a fascinating subplot, and Mr. Solomon even notes the effects of the installation of air-conditioning and partitions on artists' camaraderie.
There are plenty of fascinating subplots to watch for in the second half, and their resolution will go a long way toward determining how healthy any rebound is.