But the suspicion that he orchestrated this twinning deliberately to please his political friends is confirmed by his airbrushing of Fraga's fascist past out of his tribute.
But the AN remains closely linked to Italy's fascist past.
But in Austria, a country with a fascist past, this party's neofascist rhetoric cuts swiftly to the bone.
And lurking in every discussion of immigration - particularly with the alarming recent success of reactionary politicians - is the never-quite-banished ghost of Europe's fascist past.
Italy had been admitted to the United Nations in December 1955, and in 1960, international public opinion was still aware of the shadow of Italy's fascist past.
In a sense, Italy reacted to its fascist past with an excess of democracy.
And even Mr. Ginsberg, with an infinite ability to tolerate noxious points of view, was quick to celebrate predecessors with fascist pasts.
From 1998 on, he has distanced himself from his fascist past , although he still maintained relation with fascists into the 2000s (decade) (Zomers 2003).
During his later years, Eliade's fascist past was progressively exposed publicly, the stress of which probably contributed to the decline of his health.
Miscreants like the "telegenic" Mr Haider, the self-appointed heirs to central Europe's fascist past, specialise in plausibility.