Some fashion advertisers like Rampage, a Los Angeles apparel company, have built their brands almost exclusively outdoors because it gives a big bang for the buck.
Reinforcing a Message Most fashion advertisers use the outdoor medium to reinforce print and broadcast messages, for introducing products, or to reach audiences that may not be well served by other approaches.
Most of those subscriptions were eventually cancelled, and while some fashion advertisers came over, most of the magazine's traditional advertisers pulled out.
While cosmetics firms like Clinique and Lancôme have jumped in, many fashion advertisers are waiting to see where the magazine goes.
Flip through the September issues of fashion magazines, and there appears to be a subtle shift in the sensibility of fashion advertisers this fall season.
In the women's magazine world, many beauty and fashion advertisers steer clear of anything they see as tacky.
I find if difficult to know what's in the minds of these fashion advertisers when they choose them.
"We have a lot of major fashion advertisers," David Lauren said evenly.
The shifts in the Kleinian Zeitgeist came after several other fashion advertisers started offering consumers bright-eyed, optimistic campaigns with well-scrubbed, beaming faces.