Women at the head of the fashion pack are taking short cuts this summer.
And while the fashion pack is not known for its political zeal, the times they are a changin'.
For the fashion pack (and me) it was the high season of sales - 40 percent off at Harvey Nichols!
Changes in the appearance of camouflage cloth itself are instructive, not merely because the fashion pack adopted it wholesale.
Among the globe-trotting fashion pack, the stuff is all the rage.
And the fashion pack taking copious notes is forced to be complicit in this farce of predictibility.
She is, after all, a member of the fashion pack, whose constituents hopscotch the globe and have refined packing to an art.
For reasons that say a lot about the sheeplike qualities of the fashion pack, the audience declined to walk out en masse.
Join the fashion pack with our guide to the city's best shopping areas, plus where to eat and drink while you browse.
Athens' fashion pack sometimes puts in an appearance at the Moët Bar.