Her fashion photos, even of evening gowns and such, were often notable for their outdoor settings, emphasizing active women.
That attitude creates a curiosity about their lives, a mystery, and that's what the fashion photos in question try to evoke.
In the 1990's derivation, the staged fashion photos are far from deterrents.
But style setters may know the artist better for his fashion photos, some of which appear in the book.
She was the subject of controversy when, at 8 years of age, fashion photos of her were displayed around the world.
Man Ray was not above applying his talents to commercial enterprises, like this untitled 1936 fashion photo.
Rachel's high fashion photo and warm personality earned her first call out.
"I thought, Why not have them be in every glamourous fashion photo?"
Home to a small hair and makeup museum, it was often hired for filming and fashion photo shoots.
In W magazine's special shopping issue last month, four of the fashion photos showed models with cigarettes.