IT doesn't take a professional fashion pundit to work out that when it comes to glamour, Liverpool girls are a force to be reckoned with.
If the fashion pundits are to be believed, this Wild West look will be riding high on the beach next summer.
But yesterday, dressed in a saccharine schoolboy outfit accessorised with a satchel and cap, the fashion pundit took a swipe at the country's fashion sense:
Hordes of breathless 30-and 40-something fashion pundits say they are counting the minutes and that America's wardrobe will never be the same again.
Conway has also acted as a fashion pundit for television programmes, including the BBC's Newsnight Review.
Some fashion pundits predict that a year from now, revivalist designers will be plundering the 1980's for mainstream consumption.
Now, fashion pundits are predicting an end to the "basics as fashion" trend, increasing worries that the stores may have to reinvent themselves in the near future.
Patients get to the point where they think it's not white enough," she says, adding, "Cojo" - the fashion pundit Steven Cojocaru - "goes a little overboard.
One way she rocks with it is by flaunting her uniquestyle, which has turned the heads of fashion pundits everywhere.