She became a fashion trendsetter with her daring outfits.
Hamasaki is also noted for the visual aspects of her artistry: she is considered a fashion trendsetter, with her influence extending beyond Japan.
But many shoe retailers say Ffany's prominence as a fashion trendsetter gives it greater significance.
In addition to features in national publications, Golden was identified as a fashion trendsetter by Vogue, making several appearances in the magazine.
Now the two teenage Jenner girls are being honored as fashion trendsetters.
While the look is not for everyone, Hollywood's hottest stars and fashion trendsetters are saying, "game on!"
As the couple's celebrity increased in the mid-1910s, Irene Castle became a major fashion trendsetter, with her bobbed hair and shorter skirts.
As the couple's celebrity increased in the mid-1910s, Irene Castle became a major fashion trendsetter, initiating the vogue for shorter skirts.
Richard Leeuwenburg, a paper and forest products executive, is now getting a firsthand look at California's influence as a fashion trendsetter.
In the 17th century, Italy saw a decline in importance as the fashion trendsetter of Europe, which it was in the 15th and 16th centuries.