White was also a fashionable color for both men and women in the 18th century.
Like the latest fashionable color or restaurant, travel hot spots tend to cool off around the time they stop eliciting excitement at dinner parties.
I've found some (in lovely fashionable colours) at the Bay for $40 - is this a good price, or can I do better elsewhere?
Several hundred lipstick shades are discontinued each year to make way for newly fashionable colors, according to beauty manufacturers.
The company also uses fashionable colors that are not always seen in workout gear.
Later, he worked in fashionable rich colors and gold leaf.
The majority of the clientele was dressed in gray, the fashionable color of the moment among the artistic set.
It's not a stylish pair of hiking boots, though it comes in fashionable colors.
By the late 20th century, this no longer applied, and black had been widely adopted by women in cities as a fashionable colour.
Christ's blood, the most fashionable color of the season, or so I had been given to understand.