Both a fast CPU and an ample amount of RAM are necessary for a speedy PC.
It is very advisable to switch on this option if the system GPU video-hardware and device drivers supports XVideo - the speedup is very noticeable even on a fast CPU.
This, he claims, is often false on current hardware, given fast CPUs and the long time it takes to recover from a potential cache miss.
The major problem of using the above scheme is that fast CPUs compute much faster than slow CPUs.
A relatively fast and power-hungry CPU.
But you can look at it the other way as well - why exactly do you need this really fast CPU?
As he later noted, Anyone can build a fast CPU.
To play modern video games, a fast CPU is recommended, and to create a collection of music and videos, a larger hard disk drive is recommended.
Scrolling does tend to be more drawing-limited than resizing, but a fast CPU can hide a lot.
Although a fast CPU was recommended, the game ran smoothly with (relatively) low RAM.