There is also a way to disable (and re-enable) video generation from BASIC when "fast computation" is required.
Another consequence is an analog of exponentiation by squaring that allows fast computation of for large values of n.
The same idea allows fast computation of large exponents modulo a number.
Iterative methods, such as conjugate gradient method and GMRES utilize fast computations of matrix-vector products , where matrix is sparse.
Airlines, doing fast computations of weather data, will be able to make last-minute adjustments in flight paths to save fuel.
The machine-generated code is highly optimized to achieve fast computation, such that the math models run much faster than real time.
Many hashes used for storing passwords, such as MD5 and the SHA family, are designed for fast computation and efficient implementation in hardware.
How do you measure the power of the PS3's highly multithreaded architecture, with specialized memory for fast computations, against Intel's quad-core CPUs?
There are other systems of coordinates that can be used to represent a point in a Jacobi quartic: they are used to obtain fast computations in certain cases.
This connection allows for fast computation using the Euclidean algorithm.