With a real estate market in a frenzy, the investors sold the property a year later to Daiichi for a fast $27.85 million profit.
So I went back to being a wild-catter; in and out to take a fast profit.
This time the fast profits went to the short-sellers, a group that seems to have included more than a few hedge funds.
The driving force was the desire for fast profits.
Right now, the people of the area are pushing for fast profits.
Only people willing to risk everything for a fast profit would make such a journey.
Then and later, we know that local lords engaged in renewals of the money to make a fast profit.
Under existing guidelines, the index contracts can be sold for a fast profit.
Expect to hang on to the property, and do not expect fast profits.
The sudden attraction of fast profit changed several things about the way moonshine had been made.