The usual story is that fast typists were apt to jam keys on early typewriters and that the arrangement was devised to slow them down.
"I'm a fast typist, you know," I said with a little finger flourish.
One reviewer found that a fast typist could outtype the editor on even a reasonably fast machine like the SE/30.
One is offline captioning, done by fast typists who work on taped programs, using standard PC keyboards and professional video editing software.
A practiced "veyboarder" can produce more text than on a traditional keyboard, as much as 200 words per minute, double the rate of a fast traditional typist.
"You do have to be a pretty fast typist."
Consider that a fast typist can type one word per second.
And so at a very early age I became a very good and a very fast typist.
Daniel was a sure and reasonably fast typist, but he put as much effort into his keystrokes as he would in splitting logs.
A relatively slow computer with a 100-megahertz processor can execute a million instructions between each pair of keystrokes by a very fast typist.