In the transfer from the still to the fast-moving image, it is Tracy who stands to lose, every time.
A quick check of our favorite movies and 3D games show only minor ghosting with fast-moving images.
Typically have slower response times than Plasmas, which can cause ghosting and blurring during the display of fast-moving images.
This resulted in slow response times and led to easily visible "ghosting" on these displays on fast-moving images, like a mouse cursor on a computer screen.
Beer commercials sometimes spark ambiguous interpretation as they tickle the imagination with humor while dazzling the eyes and ears with fast-moving images and catchy music.
This may become an issue with accurately presenting fast-moving images.
It is a rich montage of fast-moving overlapping images in which found news film and movie icons create a swirl of history.
There is no official age minimum for admission to the show, but portions of the 35-minute presentation feature loud music and large, fast-moving images that may startle small children.
The displays were never particularly fast to refresh or update, resulting in the smearing of fast-moving images, but it was acceptable when nothing else was available.
A television with a low refresh rate will have problems displaying fast-moving images.