I am driving along a narrow main road, used by fast-moving traffic, with my children in the back seat.
A diner and a pizza place stand on the other side of the avenue, across six lanes of fast-moving traffic.
It required Atticus to hunt for a parking space and then walk across four lanes of fast-moving traffic.
If you have nerves of steel and an ability to zoom in front of lots of fast-moving traffic across several lanes.
However sharing roads with fast-moving traffic is highly dangerous.
Slow-moving traffic leaving the mall mixing with fast-moving traffic off I-95 often leads to accidents, he said.
This causes back-ups of as much as 50 cars, each entering at the risk of getting hit by the fast-moving traffic.
They were now at Marylebone Road, merging into fast-moving traffic.
We stood on the corner watching the fast-moving traffic.
Some of the buildings were separated by a busy road, forcing workers to scurry like squirrels to avoid the fast-moving traffic.