Mr. Kuehler, 54, has taken a high-profile role in the revamping of I.B.M.'s manufacturing operations as the company has stressed fast-paced technolgical development.
Mr. Gorbachev also talked at length about his attempts to restructure Soviet society and, in more general terms, the fast-paced political developments in Eastern Europe.
Go Seigen was notable for his fast-paced development & playing, fighting style, positional judgment and accurate reading.
The suits have accompanied the fast-paced development of three dozen biotechnology-related substances produced by some 300 companies, most of which have had few or no products until recently.
Economically, it is strategically positioned and surrounded by fast-paced developments for Johor Bahru.
It was a peaceful and harmonious society with fast-paced accelerated development in terms of education and commerce.
The fast-paced developments also promised to renew attention on the underlying issues of whether the administration had exaggerated the Iraq threat before the war and sought to discredit critics of its foreign policy.
Scott discusses the fast-paced industrial and social developments during Stalin's first five-year plan and the rising paranoia of the Soviet regime preceding the Great Purge of the late 1930s.
The worry here is that Israel may have been left behind in the fast-paced developments of the last few weeks.
As the nation ends a decade of fast-paced commercial development - overdevelopment in some areas - it is entering a period in which construction of new offices seems certain to slow down.