Consider the handling of the debate over whether the Bell companies should be allowed to charge Internet content providers for faster connections to their customers.
"It's both because of faster connections and better technology."
As more people connect to the Internet, with faster connections, the information released on it takes on ever-greater momentum and scale.
Construction is progressing on parts of a 35-kilometer (22-mi) ring road around the city, fostering faster connection between the suburbs and the city center.
And, with cable modems as well as high-speed services from some telephone companies, those faster connections are becoming available in a growing number of households.
Now, though, new engineering, faster connections and agreements on standards have solved many of those problems.
Even so, telecommunications providers say many consumers respond to ads for faster connections.
This allowed for faster connection and disconnection, because there was no need to daisy-chain multiple devices.
All railway lines that serve the city are single track, impeding faster connections to the city.
Comcast's faster connections will sell for $52.95 a month, $10 more a month than the three megabit lines it now offers.