The frogfish is reported to be the fastest animal alive.
It can fly at up to 322 km/h (200 mph), which means it is the fastest animal in the world.
"Aside from having a certain mystique, they're the fastest animals on the planet," he said.
A big cat with a unique black and white check coat, the ambiguous puzuma is the Disc's fastest animal.
She asked one of her pet questions: "Do you know what the fastest animal is?"
She gives a wide-ranging talk on the effort to measure the world's fastest animal movements, using video cameras recording at 20,000 frames per second.
The fastest terrestrial animal is the cheetah, which can get speeds of about 104 km/h (64 mph).
This world of vibrant life and sudden death is exemplified by the fastest animal on earth- the cheetah.
This is a list of the fastest animals in the world, grouped into type of animal.
Why, 50 miles an hour was faster than a cheetah could run, and the cheetah was the fastest animal known to man.