Sprite, now the fastest-growing brand, displaced Diet Pepsi as No. 4, it said.
Audioline is the fastest-growing brand in the answering machine market.
Sonus is recognized as the fastest-growing brand of SBCs in the service provider market since 2011.
So, without spending a nickel on advertising, Scharffen Berger is now one of the fastest-growing brands of chocolate in the world.
It is also one of the fastest-growing retail brands in the U.S.
These products became instant hits with RV-ers and the fastest-growing brands on the market.
He worked on such successes as the Pepsi Challenge campaign and the marketing of Mountain Dew, the company's fastest-growing brand.
Several of the fastest-growing brands in women's jeans, including Earl and Seven, will introduce men's jeans lines in the next several months.
His efforts received attention from Interbrand, a marketing firm that recently called Samsung the fastest-growing global brand.
Mr Clothier says Wyke Farms is the fastest-growing brand, and has enjoyed 5pc annual growth in recent years.