Drugs are the fastest-growing component of health care costs and the main concern for many elderly and disabled people.
With the biomedical revolution yielding a flood of new therapies, drugs are now the fastest-growing component of the nation's trillion-dollar-a-year medical bill.
The appropriation-backed debt currently accounts for about two-thirds of the state's debt and is its fastest-growing component.
Those policies have created surpluses that are the fastest-growing component of the U.S. trade deficit.
Two of the most innovative programs in Minneapolis are aimed at homeless mothers and their children, the fastest-growing component of the homeless population nationally.
It is easily the fastest-growing component of the $164 billion drug industry.
Today, the military's the fastest-growing component of world trade.
Most retirees have only a $5 co-payment for prescription drugs, the fastest-growing component of health care costs.
That increase - $36 billion - makes interest the fastest-growing component of federal spending, and continued brisk growth is likely.
Credit card debt is the fastest-growing component of overall consumer debt.