The linguistic one-upsmanship is part of a broader effort by both parties to make inroads with the nation's fastest-growing minority.
Many of those pouring in to build or staff casinos and hotels were Hispanics and Asians, the nation's fastest-growing minority groups.
The year-old experiment is attracting national attention from educators aware that the Hispanic population is the country's fastest-growing minority.
Between 1982 and 1990, the official count of Manchu people more than doubled from 4,299,159 to 9,821,180, making them China's fastest-growing ethnic minority.
Such lapses are especially troubling because Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing minority in New York and also among the least enfranchised.
Composing 12 percent of the population, Hispanics are the fastest-growing minority in the United States, having risen to 32 million from 23 million in a decade.
He won, but alienated the state's fastest-growing minority.
He wanted the Hispanics on the West Side to have a bigger role in city government since they were the fastest-growing minority in the city.
"He's Hispanic, and I want to be out there with Hispanic candidates because it is the fastest-growing minority in the county."
Using the 2000 census data, Indians can be called America's fastest-growing minority.