The last four books consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.
Additionally, several prominent Los Angeles bookstore owners reported it to be the fastest-selling book they had ever seen.
"It has been Anchor's fastest-selling book in years," said Martha Levin, Anchor's publisher.
It became the fastest-selling book ever, with 8.3 million copies sold in the United States during the first 24 hours.
The Dip is now the fastest-selling book I've ever published.
Released on October 7, 1993 by Simon & Schuster, it is the fastest-selling book in the company's history.
Nationally, "My American Journey" now tops several best-seller lists and is the fastest-selling book in the history of its publisher, Random House.
"Unfit for Command," an unflattering appraisal of Senator John Kerry's service in Vietnam, is the fastest-selling book in the country.
The Duke de La Vallière speculated near the end of January 1759 that Candide might have been the fastest-selling book ever.
Released globally in 93 countries, Deathly Hallows broke sales records as the fastest-selling book ever, a record it still holds today.