There were seven fat merchantmen almost at his mercy once he got to windward.
There were fat merchantmen tied up in Messantia's harbor, and 'twould be a fine joke to loot Argos's ships with the very ship their king furnished, would it not?'
What seemed a fat merchantman was a trap, and fifty Godelian fire-eaters swarmed aboard the pirate ship.
My mother-in-law walks like she is terminally bowlegged and has no joints in her legs, rolling like a fat merchantman in heavy seas.
On the horizon sails a fat merchantman.
I wish they would: they do not possess a single ship of the line, and three of their fat merchantmen passed Amboyna last week - such prizes!
The mighty Californian navy now being reduced to nothing but an "escort service" for slow and fat merchantmen creeping from port to port down our long vulnerable coastline.
We had a good voyage and some fat Spanish merchantmen fell into our wake.
Chasing a fat merchantman under a full head of sail: Avast, me hearties, prepare a broadside!
We were somewhere to the south of Trella, escorting a couple of fat merchantmen and the now famous Ronda.