I don't want to consume too much protein at once for fear of fat storage.
Omega-6s are involved in fat storage (which is what they do for the plant), the rigidity of cell walls, clotting and the inflammation response.
Resveratrol, the famed antioxidant found in grape skin, stops fat storage.
It is generally given a function related to cuticle strength, nematode movement or fat storage.
The function of the spines remains unknown, although they may have been involved in communication, fat storage, or temperature control.
They argue that high insulin levels can cause many health problems, most significantly fat storage and weight gain.
The researchers suggest that, among its other effects, nicotine alters fat storage.
"There is some sort of extraordinary genetic and environmental mix that has programmed people to be set for greater fat storage," he said.
The tail is also useful for fat storage.
This typical female fat storage may be essential for normal reproductive function.