She knew which one was more useful, and it wasn't the fat tome.
He sat, feet swinging like a child's, and balanced his fat tome on his knees.
How could I forget that fat tome 'Bulfinches Mythology', that I lugged about when I was young.
He went out and quickly returned with my suitcase in one hand and a fat bluish-looking little tome in the other.
Seeing Ford's curiosity, Lee picked up one of the fattest tomes.
Indeed, given the almost endless choices, it has often seemed to me that a fat tome is needed to explain just what to drink when.
Yet a draft prospectus had been published and research analysts had produced fat tomes.
Above the bench a book floated, a fat tome.
Their fat tomes are otherwise like so many books by chefs, rife with overwrought or underachieving recipes that require a professional touch and a fully stocked walk-in refrigerator.
WHO will stand up to eulogize the fat tome of learning, the college textbook?