Another was fatally burned and a third hacked to death.
If somebody managed to spread-say-some radioactive cobalt around all three shifts might be fatally burned before it was noticed.
It is there that her son would be fatally burned.
Although no human lives were lost, a number of plants and animals were fatally burned in the fire.
He was fatally burned when the ship caught fire at Lakehurst on 6 May 1937; he died the following day.
Rusty interferes and saves her but is fatally burned.
Mr. Santiago, the former employee, was fatally burned in the incident.
In 1904, when Paul was 5, his mother was fatally burned in a kitchen fire.
To prevent this possibility they set the ship on fire and Christian is fatally burned while trying to save it.
By the time the fire was out, it had fatally burned two people alive, and destroyed eleven more houses and 21 cars.