Seeing the boat brought back all the memories of the Lucky Duckling and the prince's fateful journey over water.
This is only the first of many fateful journeys--the story also ends with one.
This would be a fateful journey, leading to the sad demise of three of the children.
Two years ago, before that fateful journey aboard The Lady, he had had no interest in any kind of plant life.
Austin was 58 when he embarked on the fateful journey that would lead to the first American settlements in Texas.
Burke and Wills camped here on their fateful journey to cross Australia.
Shortly before the fateful journey to Greece he begins to be overcome once again by the same sensation.
Before leaving, there was one final endeavor I had to complete before we embarked on what would prove to be our last, fateful journey together.
It was to prove a fateful journey.
It took him too long to get here, so long, in fact, that most of those who began this fateful journey with him are dead.