When Wintrow made no reply as he opened the door, his father bellowed after him, "Make sure you take the chamberpot and empty it!
His father bellowed in surprise and fear as he tried to untangle himself from the table he had fallen over, but Kevin took no notice.
It was the book, his father had bellowed last night.
His father, some distance away, had not heard, and therefore did not bellow his customary protest.
Her father would rage and bellow and very likely whip the English dog within an inch of his miserable life.
As it was, Daniel left to join the navy as his father behind him bellowed for his attorney.
When her father bellowed again, she rolled her eyes.
Swinging toward him, his father bellowed, "That one!
But just as she was marching off to tell her mother this, the study door downstairs opened and her father bellowed into the hall, calling his wife.
Ronnie's father had bellowed when his children expressed a preference for something other than the meal that sat in front of them.