If he hadn't, his father confesses, "I probably would have sold the company."
The discovery led her father, a high school dean of students, to confess the slaying.
"I don't remember much about it," the father confessed late Saturday night.
At the same time, his father confesses to stealing the money to prevent Holmes from going to prison.
Only after his father confessed to the police did the boy admit to the scheme.
Again, his father confesses that Dianne, too, is the son's half sister.
That ended six months ago when the father confessed to injuring his arm during one of their matches.
In an extended passage, a father confesses to being disappointed that his son hasn't turned out to be more like him.
"I sometimes wonder if we ever had anything to talk about," the father confesses to his understanding daughter.
My father confessed right away, as he always does, but he wouldn't apologize.