Berger told me: "My father envisioned a world where we were overburdened with trash.
His father, Mark, had built up a furniture business and envisioned grander triumphs for his son.
Let us fight for the new world my father envisioned, a world our grandchildren should inherit!
From behind the Ping-Pong table in the rumpus room, the tunnel led to what my father envisioned as their last stop on Earth.
Patrix's father had envisioned a career in law for his son.
So I'm thinking that you went to college against your father's wishes, he died, and you left academia to pursue the occupation your father envisioned for you.
Christina's father, however, envisioned that his daughter should become a pagan priestess.
In the late 60's, and even during the guidelines' revision four years ago, the town fathers did not envision the way big money is altering antique houses.
His father had always envisioned he would pursue a career in law.
Hunt's father Sydney led a company of amateur actors, and Hunt envisioned a career on the stage for a period of time.