Frank has since married well, inherited a jewelry business from the father of his wife Agnes, and made their social status his highest priority.
Whereas you are the father of my beloved wife, my friend almost forever, and the first one to whom I send this dreadful news.
A father of three, Mr. Allen and his wife have lived in their one-story white brick house for five years.
Ironically, this king is the father of Arthur's future wife, Guenever (sic).
He took $30,000 from the father of his first wife to stage a grand African safari.
Guangde replied to him: "O king, you are the father of my wife.
In an apologetic tone, he added, 'You must understand that I am the father of his wife.
The other was Jose Cojuangco, father of his future wife.
It was a matter of some discomfort between us that he was the father of my former wife, and yet we were now contemporaries.
And all the worse for the doomed man, that the denouncer was a well-known citizen, his own attached friend, the father of his wife.