My father petitioned the waqf.
Schey said that Aburto's father, who will be elegible for US citizenship in a few months, could also petition for legal residence for his relatives.
So the father petitioned for divorce on 2 January 1991 in the Ontario court.
Upon arrival in Hong Kong, Trang's father petitioned the U.S. government for political asylum for his family.
In both 1538 and 1546 her father petitioned for her to be married to Thomas Seymour.
Hamdi's father petitioned a federal court for Hamdi's rights to know the crime(s) he is accused of, and to receive a fair trial before imprisonment.
Pereyra's father petitioned the government in 1812, to no avail.
His father, worried that his son suffered from paranoid delusions, petitioned the court for a sanity hearing.
Her father petitioned New Hampshire Governor Craig Benson for help in the search.
The father of the children is petitioning the courts to allow him joint custody now that his financial situation has improved.