He was suspended in May 2002 after he admitted fathering a child with a woman named Sharon Roy in 1978.
In 2003, Erving fathered a second child outside of his marriage, this time with a woman named Dorýs Madden.
Just when you thought celebrity news couldn't get any more bizarre, Justin Bieber has been accused of fathering a child with a woman from California!
Punch is believed to have fathered children with a white woman, likely also an indentured servant.
Ziggy shows him a letter from a law firm claiming he has fathered a child with a notoriously promiscuous local woman.
A few people will see something redemptive in the fact that Jefferson fathered children with a black woman.
His life between 1846 and 1857 remains scarcely documented, but it is known that he fathered at least one son with a local woman.
Moon fathered a child with a different woman in 1954.
The one on my paternal side was a Virginia slave owner who fathered children with a woman he owned.