She became pregnant three months after our marriage and bore me a son called Drusillus, for whom I found it impossible to have any fatherly feeling.
I suppose I should now entertain none but fatherly feelings for you: do you think so?
But with time and his involvement in the Brandner family, Sebastian comes close to Christina and can't hide his fatherly feelings for long.
Matthias and Sebastian then try to work out a visit agreement, but Sebastian oversteps by getting to much fatherly feelings for the girl.
This gives him a strong fatherly feeling.
Gopchik, a young member of the squad who works hard and for whom Shukhov has fatherly feelings, as he reminds Shukhov of his dead son.
He does have fatherly feelings for Eppie, and he watches her grow up with a constant sense of regret.
Tony shows more than fatherly feelings toward Hannah.
It brought out all these weird fatherly feelings in me, as if Prope was just a little girl trying to be brave.
Ginger had stirred in him protective fatherly feelings that he had never known before.